Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tech Week Tuesday Notes

Thanks to everyone for a nice rehearsal last night. I think the biggest issue we had was that I forgot one of the barking dog sound effects. :-)

Pacing was much, much better last night and that cleaned the show up a great deal. As you get ready for tonight's rehearsal, please take some extra time to review your exact cue line for each line of your dialogue. We had about three or four spots last night where some lines were delivered out of order and one near the end of Scene 1 where we missed some dialogue completely (I'm pretty sure we covered that one; it's the lines about getting freshened up).

I'm not quite ready to call off the dogs on being word perfect just yet, but you all were close enough last night that we have no line notes for anyone today.

Bob will likely be in tonight to re-record the video clips we did a few weeks ago for our web video. You do not have to participate if you don't want to, but this will be a chance for you to redo your little 10 second blurb if you wish. We will also want to record Jill and Liz since they weren't here the first time.

Remember that I'd like to start at 7:30 and run this as a full show without interruption. FULL MAKEUP AND COSTUMES TONIGHT, SO PLAN YOUR ARRIVAL TIME ACCORDINGLY. See you all tonight!


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