Saturday, June 18, 2011

We need boxes!

Please bring extra cardboard boxes that you may have to Sunday's show to be used during strike. What we don't use, you can either take home or I will recycle. Any boxes that are used will NOT be returned.


Monday, June 13, 2011

Final Week Notes

What a phenomenal weekend! Seven shows down, and all we have to do now is bring home the last three. I think everyone would agree that Sunday's show was our best by far, even though it may not have gotten the laughs that some of our previous shows received.

Pat Cook was very impressed with all of you, and we've heard nothing but positive feedback from our first three weekends.

Here are a couple of quick show notes for this week...

First of all, let's don't add anything new from this point forward. What we have works - let's stick with it. That is especially true for Sunday's finale, where actors can have a tendency to "customize" their final performance. Don't let that happen to you. Audience ten deserves the same show that audiences 1-9 received.

We will do a staged rehearsal Thursday night at 7, but will skip the music, sfx, and costumes. So full blocking and dialogue, but that's it. Should get us out of there by 8:45 if we get started on time.

OUR CAST PHOTO WILL BE TAKEN SATURDAY BEFORE THE SHOW. I know that Richard and Karen have Oklahoma! rehearsal Saturday, but we've been asked to be in full makeup and costume by 7 on Saturday night for our photo. Please let me know ASAP if that will be an issue so I can investigate alternatives.

OUR CAST PARTY WILL BE SUNDAY AFTER STRIKE. The location is still classified, but it is within 10 minutes of the theatre and will be a full catered meal (our treat!). Since HFAC is picking up the tab, the party is for cast and crew ONLY, with the exception that anyone with smaller kids (Richard/Nora and Julie) can bring their kids if it would prevent you from attending otherwise. The location will be given after strike is completed.

STRIKE IS MANDATORY FOR EVERYONE IN THE CAST. If you're not comfortable with a power screwdriver or hand tools, there will still be plenty to do such as removing and sorting props, sorting costumes, cleaning the dressing rooms and such. If everyone participates, we will be finished by 6:30 at the very latest.

Let me know if you have any questions. Otherwise, I'll see everyone Thursday night.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Second Weekend Notes

Congratulations on what has been a great run through two weekends! We're averaging over 100 per night, and that is no small feat for a non-musical. You should all be very proud of your accomplishement.

A couple of notes for this week...

First, we WILL have a pickup rehearsal this Thursday at 7:00. It will just be a line-through, so you should get out fairly early. Olivia will read for Chelsey. Cheryl will be running the rehearsal since I have a prior committment. If you can't make it by 7:00, please let Cheryl know so she can adjust accordingly.

Make sure you spend time in your scripts this week. I sensed a lot of uncertainty in many of you Friday night, and that tells me that the scripts were likely collecting dust all week. Saturday was so much better, which just reinforces that belief.

AD-LIBS: At this point, the show is familiar enough that some ad-libs are likely to start creeping into the show. For now, the only authorized ad-lib is Richard's line about "Checking on Rafe O'Connor," and he can only use that IF he also keeps in the part about the earthworms. Remember that the author will be here on Sunday, and we owe it to him to deliver the dialogue that he wrote.

Please remember that we now have Sunday matinees for the remainder of the production run. Call time for Friday and Saturday will remain at 6:30. Call time for Sunday is 1:30. Pat Cook will be conducting a talk back after this Sunday's show; each member of the cast is expected to stay and participate. You will be given a few minutes to get out of costume and remove makeup if you wish before the talk back starts on the Garza stage around 5:30. We should finish the evening by 6:00, but certainly no later than 6:30.

Finally, if you have not made plans to use your two comp tickets for the show, make sure you email Carla at with the dates you'd like to use them. This Friday and Sunday are almost sold out, and I expect the other four shows will sell out as well, so get your requests in now for the best seating options.

Cheryl will see you Thursday, and I'll see you Friday!
