Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday's Rehearsal

This note is primarily for Joan (as this is her first HFAC production), but will serve as a reminder to everyone in the cast about how our Tech Week rehearsals are run.

Tech Week, especially the first two nights, is primarily designed so that the production crew can set lighting looks and sound levels. They control these rehearsals to the extent that if they need to see a scene or part of a scene again, they can do so. Fortunately for our show, the lighting looks are fairly static and the sound is very simple, so I don't expect a lot of starting and stopping for their sake with the possible exception of between scenes since that's when lighting has its biggest changes.

Since Liz and Olivia are both called for Chelsey tonight, I am currently planning to run all of their sub-scenes twice so that each young lady gets a chance to run all of their lines and blocking tonight.

One final note about Tech Week...although we make every effort to finish by 10:00, we will go as late as necessary in order to tighten up the show and to make sure everyone is as prepared as possible. I expect that if we do run long, it will likely be tonight and tomorrow only, and even then I hope it will be no later than 10:30 or 11:00. Keep the pacing up and nail those lines, and we might just get out on time all week!


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